
Vibration Analyst Certification

Vibration Institute of Australia offers Mobius Certified Vibration Analysis Category I, II, III and IV Vibration Analyst training courses that complies to ISO 18436 standard.

There is no higher level of certification available. The Mobius certification is equivalent to that offered by the US Vibration Institute (VI).

The Mobius Institute Board of Certification (MIBoC) certification scheme has been accredited to ISO/IEC 17024 by our nationally recognized (Government appointed) accreditation body (JAS-ANZ), as has the VI scheme (ANSI). The MIBoC scheme is also accredited according to ISO 18436-1 and 18436-2 (Category I, II, III and IV). The Vibration Institute of Australia is one of the over 50 training organizations around the world that are recognized by MIBoC as delivering training according to ISO 18436-2 and 18436-3.

MIBoC recognizes the certification offered by VI. And for purely competitive reasons, the US Vibration Institute does not recognize any other certification. The certification offered by Technical Associates of Charlotte (TAC) and Emerson Process Management is not accredited by their national body (ANSI) and is therefore not recognized by MIBoC.

ISO Certification standards Exams and Prerequisites Re-examination Period of validity Renewal of certification ASNT Recommended Practice MIBoC is an independent organization which is directed by scheme and technical committees to ensure that not only the certification services provided by MIBoC meet or exceed international standards relevant for certification (ISO/IEC 17024 and ISO 18436-1), but also that the training courses and organizations recognised by MIBoC meet the standards relevant to training (ISO 18436-2 and ISO 18436-3).

We invite you to take some time to learn more about our accreditation and MIBoC certification, by visiting the MIBoC website – click here.

ISO Certification standards

Each student is issued with an unique “student number” which will become your certification number. You will be required to complete a short survey on the Mobius Institute website in order to document your previous work experience and any previous training taken with other training organizations. Mobius Institute maintains student records in order to comply with the standards.

In order to be certified you must demonstrate that you have the experience and knowledge to perform the duties of a vibration analyst. MIBoC examinations, therefore, favour the practicing vibration analyst. If you understand the theory but can’t actually perform vibration analysis, you will not pass. If you can measure and look at spectra, but don’t understand what you are doing, you will not pass. In Category I – III we do not require you to perform calculations that you are never likely to need to perform in your normal work. In Category IV there are far more calculations required.

Exams and Prerequisites

  • As per the standard, all of the questions are multiple choice (four options to choose from).
  • You are required to perform some calculations, so you must bring a calculator.
  • The exam is “closed book”, however you are provided with a booklet of standard tables, charts, formulae and basic reference material.

Designation of a person as Category I is not a prerequisite for certification as Category II. However, certification of a person as Category III and Category IV requires previous certification at the lower category. At each higher classification category, the breadth and depth of experience is expected to be greater than at the previous lower category. You may take the MIBoC certification exam if you have previously taken an approved training course for that category.


In the event that a candidate is unsuccessful in passing the certification examination, he/she can apply to re-sit the examination twice. A candidate who fails three consecutive attempts will be excluded from further examinations for a period of 12 months, provided that the re-examinations take place not sooner than 30 days after a previous examination. A certification body may use its discretion in allowing an earlier re-examination in the event that further training acceptable to the certification body concerned is undertaken. Candidates

Designation of a person as Category I is not a prerequisite for certification as Category II. However, certification of a person as Category III and Category IV requires previous certification at the lower category. At each higher classification category, the breadth and depth of experience is expected to be greater than at the previous lower category. You may take the MIBoC certification exam if you have previously taken an approved training course for that category.

Certification – Period of validity

As per the standard, certification remains valid for five (5) years. You may take the exam again within the 5 year period, or you can provide evidence of continued activity and study in vibration analysis and your period of certification will be extended without examination.

Renewal of certification

Certification at the higher level is an alternative to renewal at the current level, but it does not automatically renew their current certification. i.e. I can do CAT III instead of renewing my CAT II, but doing so will not renew my CAT II certification. Alternatively, if you can provide verifiable evidence of continued satisfactory work activity in the field of vibration analysis without significant interruption, you may apply for renewal by completing our Renewal Application and Certified Analyst Code of Ethics Agreement. Contact us for current renewal fees.

As per the standard, annual fees are not charged in order to maintain the validity of your certification.

The most internationally recognised vibration analysis courses

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